
Annual Day of Caring provides 55,000 meals

Annual Day of Caring provides 55,000 meals

October 14, 2015 in Harvest Time Newsletter

Over 500 hours of service was donated to Ozarks Food Harvest by 325 volunteers, providing 55,000 meals to children, families and seniors in need during the 23rd Annual United Way Day of Caring.

Over 20,000 pounds of food was sorted in The Food Bank’s Volunteer Center, 1,442 Senior Food boxes were assembled, almost 2,000 pounds of food and $1,103 was collected during food drives, 77 pounds of produce was gleaned from Ozarks Food Harvest’s garden and area children wrote 632 notes of encouragement to fellow students who receive weekend food bags.

Sincere thanks to all the groups that gave of their time, including Chase Card Services, Expedia, Butler, Rosenbury & Partners, Global University, City of Springfield Department of Public Works and Environmental Services, Springfield-Greene County Health Department and Phelps Center for Gifted Education.

Every volunteer hour given to OFH provides over 100 meals to those in need. Heartfelt thanks to the United Way for hosting this annual event to better the Ozarks.